Sunday, May 29, 2011

Hand(may)de #4

And so we come to the end of May, and to the end of my self set challenge to only buy recycled or handmade items. I have to say I feel pretty proud of myself, I only slipped up once (and that was to buy a Zooey Deschanel T shirt from teefury, but don't judge until to see how awesome it is).

In a fitting end to Hand(may)de, Lovely and I went to MarkIT designers market at Fed Square; I would describe it as the little sister of Finders Keepers, and although they had some great stuff, there was lot less of it and a lot more crowded, whereas FK is more towards the opposite. There was a lot of stuff I had seen before, but I did get to buy a beautiful print from When You Escape, which I was and still am psyched about (I fell in love with her work at Finders Keepers earlier this year, but was sadly lacking in funds for pretty things).
Go check out more of her stuff, it's dreamy stunning.

I had a lovely Sunday today wandering around markets, eating little danish pancakes, looking at paintings and just enjoying his company. Makes me realise what I was missing by working on a Sunday for all those years.

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