Gigs Coming Up:

Sarah Blasko: I love her style. She's so quirky and old-fashioned and her voice is like nothing I have heard ever or since. When ever I'm sad or lonely i put one of her records and there is always a song to reflect my emotions perfectly, but instead of feeling even more depressed, i feel like her music is hugging me. It sounds silly, but its true. I can't wait to see her for the second time :)

My obsession with Tori goes way back to 2004, when i heard "Cornflake Girl" for the very first time. I never looked back. She is probably the musician that has influenced my life the most; she is a living embodiment of how the off-beat and eccentric can shine in a world where theephemeral, superficial and generic spring up everywhere like weeds; she is an exotic bird. It gives me hope. In short, i love her, and will always love her, which is why I'm going to both her Melbourne concerts. This will be the highlight of my 2009.

Falls Festival: Marion Bay
This is going to be a blaaaast! Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Lisa Mitchell and Yves Klein Blue are the ones I'm most excited about, but the whole three days are going to be epic!!! Bring on the drunken dance party festival shennanigans!!
Listening: "Colourful Life" Cajun Dance Party, "Ragged and Ecstatic" Yves Klein Blue, "Boys for Pele" Tori Amos
Watching: Jane Eyre, 2006 BBC production. I love this version so much, the story, the actors and the score <3>
Reading: "Cannery Row" by John Steinbeck. A Penguin Classic i picked up to amuse myself at the airport.
Wearing: Black Skinnys, Laura Marling Band Tshirt, Green nailpolish and my bows :)
Wanting: A Mr Rochester to come sweep me off my feet. More Lemongrass and Ginger Tea. Peace.