...don't know when I'll be back again. Actually I do, I'll be back February 2nd, but I prefer the sentiment of the song. One day I will buy a one way ticket to who knows where. But until then, our trip to South America is finally here! I am a little scared, but so very excited to be immersing myself in a culture completely different to my own, and learning new ways of living and loving.
And so I shall leave you with one of my favourite quotes from one of my favourite writers, Gabriel Garcia Marquez (this also seems approprite in the context of my destination)
“It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old, they grow old because they stop pursuing dreams.”
If you would like to persue mine and Ruby's adventures, please follow our travel blog at http://rubyandsally.blogspot.com :) we shall try our best not to dissapoint!
He's so happy, even with his black eye! Now that is a sign of deep inner contenment. Or just madness. I'd like to think a little of both!
Ya me despido, gracias por todo. (It is time to say goodbye, thanks for everything)
We humans, we think too highly of ourselves. We are arrogant; we believe that our way is always the right way, and in doing so, express our seemingly evolved state of compassion by forcing this way upon others, in order to save them from their apparent lack of civilisation. It is not that we should relinquish ourselves to chaos, but why is it that we force upon each other constraints of social order that go against the rest of Nature, when really, we are just animals colliding in a flurry of feathers and fleeting moments, being pulled together by our kindred souls and the breaking apart to fly somewhere where the weather is better. We take with us fistfuls of feeling and a little piece of each of the people we leave behind, carried in the new knowledge of life we have acquired in their presence. Sometimes they don’t even notice what they’re missing when we leave them, and sometimes we leave behind ragged, gaping holes that tear open in that moment when they look up to realise that we’re no longer there. It is completely animalistic in nature, and some would even call it cruel. Am I being cruel to you?
Do not take offence when I say that I am leaving you, honey, it has nothing to do with you. I just can’t stay in one place for too long, my heart will get restless and my wings will become useless. I cannot fall in love if I am always looking for somewhere else to go to. I feel as though I am always being hunted.
But know, that when I leave you, you will be keeping a small shard of me for your collection, and the piece that you have unwillingly given to my soul will be as precious to me as a lantern in the dark, for it will shield me against my own arrogance.
Photographs are from the series "Domesticated" by photographer Amy Stein. Her work is so interesting, you can check it out here
and her blog: http://amysteinphoto.blogspot.com/
Words by yours truely
Lets look at the word Lovely. It is a word I use quite often (probably too much), so I suppose it's a good indication of how I am feeling at the moment, and why this blog is full of random pointless gushings rather than actual writing. I'm happy, leave me be hehe.
I promise I will put up more work soon, but in the meantime here's an adorable clip by an underexposed band called Tin Pan Orange. They are.....stupendous.
But in this case, there were no losers, just awesome people and prettiness.
This weekend Ruby, Lovely and I went to the first ever Finders Keepers market in Melbourne. IT WAS SO LOVELY!!!! seriously, I had a real hard time controlling myself, my senses were overloaded with amazing arts and crafts and pretty things. They did such a great job organising, there were couches and GOOD live music and so many cool designers and artists who were also such lovely lovely and clever people! Ruby and I accidentily wore matching dresses, yet we recieved many compliments on our unintentional twindom :) and we did spend up a little bit but hey, it only comes round once a year. And I know that pretty things wont pay the bills but it makes life that little bit nicer to look at sometimes.
We bought an excessive amount of badges, and some gorgeous prints by an artist whose name is Emma Leonard.
If I ever write a book, I want her to illustrate it. Or at least do the cover <3
Check out her blog:
and if you like what you see, you can buy from her etsy:
I also bought some amazingly cool badges from an illustrator called Amy Blue, which are illustations of famous bands :) I really wanted a Smiths print she illustated, but i was getting poor so I bought a four pack of badges which had the White Stripes, Arcade Fire, Dappled Cities and Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros (the main reason I wanted to buy them, although I do love the other three bands).
You can check out her stuff here at:
I've noticed I did use the word 'lovely' alot, but it really is the best way to describe it. The rest of the day was great too, we went and had lunch and cider at Workshop, then Ruby had to go home so Lovely and I adventured around the city. Lucky for us, the Melbourne Music Festival was on, and we had a chance run in with the Bedroom Philosipher by the stop for the 86 tram (he was wearing a t shirt that read "we are tramily :D) which has a lot of significance if you're familiar with "Songs from the 86 Tram" :P He is so very funny, and knows how to take the piss out of himself and society blatently yet gracefully, which I love. We also saw Pez. Which was much less inspiring -_- yet still very amusing, but for different reasons. We had dumplings (yum), and finished the night at thousand pound bend for the screening of "Exit Through the Gift Shop", an hilarious film about Banksy and street art and what can happen when a person has a lot of ambition yet not a lot of talent.
So all in all, I was truely happy to be living in Melbourne that Saturday, and to be with the people I was with. But I'm still very much looking forward to leaving.
and yes, I do listen to the music he is talking about, but it's funny because its so true. I'm always willing to have a good laugh at myself hehe.
I heard this song the other day, and I thought it was really very awesome, so much so that I got weird looks from the old people sitting opposite me on the tram. It may have had something to do with my ridiculous grin but whatever. I love Nick Hornby, and Ben Folds, so Nick Hornby + Ben folds = Double the love!
This song was written about Saskia Hamilton (well duh), who is a real person, and a real poet too! She's actually rather good; this song compelled me to go look her up.
Inside by Saskia Hamilton
No one to hear but records for the broken player.
No reason for order but order persists,
from breakfast to bath to work to tea to dark,
rain falling at one speed,
the windows darkening and blurring,
accident beating against belief.
A loud engine, which is one way to say one thing.
The floors dark, swept daily, though
it takes at least one hour for the first
and one for the last. In the pages of a book,
quick studies of hands,
tents of hands.
Hello there. You seem like a cool person. And you have a really nice smile. Thankyou for taking the time to pass through here in your attempt to navigate this ridiculous whirlwind we call the internet, I hope you find something you like, something useful, amusing or inspiring. If not, I hope you have a nice day anyway!