Friday, December 16, 2011

Really Wild Gifts

Trying to find a gift for that one person that has absolutely everything? What about food for a rescued bear? Or a vaccination for dogs in Bali? You could even help prevent the ill treatment of Elephants in Tanzinia in their name. They may not be able to play with, watch, listen to, or even eat this gift, but thanks to you, they could be filled with warm fuzzy feelings throughout the festive season (and beyond, hopefully!)

Really Wild Gifts is a clever new fundraising project set up by the good people at WSPA, and encourages people to give much needed aid to animals across the world who are suffering from abuse, exploitation, or the threat of extinction at the hands of us pesky humans. All gifts are personally tailored; you can choose everything from the animal your donation is going to, to what kind of aid you will be giving them, depending on how much money you spend. For example, in the case of the Elephants, you can buy farmer education for as little as $39, whereas a donation of $225 will give appropriate fencing to keep the Elephants away from crops aqnd safe from agitated farmers. And your recipient will recive a neat little custom made thankyou card in their letterbox, and all the warm fuzzy feelings they can handle.

I think this is a great idea, because really the last thing we need in most sections of Western society is more stuff. I found out about this after most of my Christmas shopping had already been done, but I've decided to purchase a little something for myself this Christmas (I was going to buy a new pair of shoes, but I've decided perhaps that money could be better spent).

So if you know someone who loves animals, why not get them something a little different this year, instead of that fourth pair of explorer socks, or the enourmous box of chocolates? You'll be setting them up for some great karma for the New Year, and saving them from a rather large stomach ache.

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