Sorry. That was lame.
So we are back from the epic photo tour slink slamming dance party drunk fest adventure in Tasmania; I've been back for a little while but havent been able to blog until now. Let me just say, it was probably the best fucking New Years I've ever had...i shall show you why (I went extremely snap happy so prepare for an overload of visual stimuli!)
Our journey began with a ridiculously early flight on the adorable Regional Express Airlines (or as i like to call it TINY PLANE!!) haha We then drove from the airport in our awesome spacious rental car down to Launceston to stay with the lovely Cath and her extremely hospitible parents and pets. We swam at Cateract Gorge, at lots and lots of delicious food, shopped at Chickenfeed and came up with various ridiculous yet feasible ways to smuggle in alcohol to Marion Bay.
Then we packed up the cars, piled in and drove 3 hours down the coast to the pituresque Marion Bay. We were all pretty much packin' it on the way in, I myself was convinced we were going to be kicked out for trying to smuggle in alcohol, but by some divine miricle, we got in with no trouble and much relief. Now I have to say that Falls Fest at Marion Bay was probably the best festival I've been to, in, well ever!!! There was hippy markets, gormet food (although my diet was dominated by dagwood dogs for the three days), and some of the best freakin bands I have ever seen. We danced, drank, danced some more, drank some more, stalked Yves Klein Blue, took lots of random photos, it was just brilliant.
Sarah Blasko: Brilliant as always, adorable to a T and her dancing is the best (I'm currently taking lessons from her via videoclips on youtube). Oh, and being sprayed by the giant hose in the mosh was a god send.
Art Vs. Science: These guys went off; they played Parles Vous Francis and the place went balistic! Sooo much fun. Check out the inflatable whales for Flippers. Lol.
Yeah Yeah Yeahs: Karen O is a badass goddess, best countdown ever. Love. Love. They played Maps, and I got shivers (it was 38 degrees. Yeah.)
Yves Klein Blue: Fuck they're good. The set had awesome raw energy, and we were right up the front of the mosh so got a good look at Michael (mmmm) and then we got photos with him after! A highlight of my life so far <3
Emiliana Torrini: Gorgeous. I want to move to Iceland.
Lisa Mitchell: I have to say I have quite a girl crush on her. Funniest thing was when she abused some guy for throwing dollars at her during Coin Laundry. Love it.
Editors: Epic.
Lighting Storm: Even more epic. I think most people enjoyed that more than Midnight Juggz
Running into my cousins during Yacht Club DJ's while we were all plastered and being hit on by their friend HILarious.
Dagwood dogs, hippy stalls, Hari Krishnas, Water, and not being washed out. It was too cool.
The Heat: Sooo sunburnt. I still have tan lines
Jellyfish at the beach : Ouch!
Drunk Bogans jumping on peoples tents: Do I need any more reasons to hate men? No, but there is another one.
Toilet lines: Makes me wish I was a man.
However, on the whole, it was awesome, and if I wasn't going to be in South America this New Years, I would so go back. What's the bet Tori will headline -_-

The rest of the trip was pretty cruisy, which was great cos we needed to recover. It involved chillin in Launceston (there's not a lot to do in Launceston :p, they do have some interesting cults though (haha) and a weird kind of night life), a raspberry farm with the best cheesecake I've ever had, a cheese factory (they actually managed to make Wasabi and cheese go well together. Mmmm cheese) with multi coloured mosaic cows and of course, the chocolate factory (fudge!), before flying home from Burnie at about 6am the next day (-_-)
So, in conclusion, this Tassie Trip was probably one of the best times of my life so far, and worth every dime :)
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